LOGICDATA operates from its headquarters in Deutschlandsberg, Austria. This is where the innovative core of LOGICDATA is located and where the highly reliable European technology is developed. As production is an important part of LOGICDATA´s business, the European production sites in the Czech Republic and in Hungary are home for the production and assembly of metalwork, mechatronic components and business fulfillment. The North American corporate office of LOGICDATA is based in Cedar Springs, right next to the J-Star facility of JIECANG.
These four LOGICDATA locations are helped by the global network of JIECANG with its manufacturing sites.

Deutschlandsberg | Austria
Our headquarters in Styria are home for the development of the numerous innovative LOGICDATA solutions.

Cedar Springs | USA
Our American LOGICDATA experts are based in Michigan to support customers in North America and are located along with the JIECANG — J-star Motion Corporation.

Nagykanizsa | Hungary
Our facility in Hungary is specialized on motor production to keep manufacturing processes like motor winding and drive assembly in-house on a total of 1 800 m².

Kozomín | Czech Republic
The production facility with a size of 8 476 m² is equipped with first-class metalworking machines and assembly stations for customized metalwork.

Xinchang | China
The JIECANG Life and Health Industrial Park (48 524 m²) specializes in linear actuators and control systems for medical care.

Xinchang | China
The factory manufactures DC motors, precision transmission components, and other products on overall 14 687 m².

Johor Bahru | Malaysia
J-star’s manufacture base in Johor Bahru, Malaysia, spans 62 000 m², specializing in the R&D and manufacturing of smart office linear actuators, adjustable bed frames and sunlight management systems.

Cedar Springs | USA
J-star’s U.S. manufacture base in Cedar Springs, Michigan, spans 185 000 m², specializing in smart office drive systems.

Xinchang | China
The JIECANG IoT Industry Park specializes in smart office lifting column systems, industrial linear actuators, and adjustable bed frames, covering nearly 100 000 m².

Ningbo | China
The HEALTHKEY manufacturing base in Ningbo leads the national manufacturing of smart office linear actuators within 139 800 m².

Kaposvár | Hungary
The site of the JIECANG Hungary factory is 97 317 m² in total, with the first phase of construction covering 23 000 m².