LOGICDATA strives for innovation and excellence – especially on the topic of sustainability. Our goal is to make the world a better place: with our products and through conscious collaboration with customers, suppliers, and partners.
We operate in an economically sustainable way, focusing on leaving a positive legacy for future generations.

Double Materiality Assessment
The double materiality assessment shows the interaction between our business, society, and the environment from two perspectives.
The outside-in perspective examines how external factors, like climate change, social trends, and regulations, impact our company. The inside-out perspective focuses on how our operations affect society and the environment, in areas like carbon emissions, resource efficiency, and social equity.
Using insights from this analysis, we identify and prioritize relevant topics for our business and stakeholders, aligning our efforts with EU ESRS standards. This approach ensures our strategies are sustainable and in-line with regulatory and stakeholder expectations.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Aligning with SDGs helps LOGICDATA integrate sustainability into our core business strategy, ensuring long-term value creation for stakeholders while addressing global challenges. This ESG approach reflects our commitment to innovation, environmental stewardship, and social responsibility.

Environmental Goals and Actions
LOGICDATA is aligned with global priorities for innovation and responsible production. We create efficient, durable, and sustainable solutions, reducing environmental impact through design.
We prioritize sustainable manufacturing by sourcing durable materials, minimizing waste, and optimizing production for a circular economy. This approach ensures our operations and products contribute to a green, innovative future.

Social Goals and Actions
LOGICDATA works to improve well-being and foster economic growth through operations and products. Our ergonomic solutions promote healthier living and working environments, supporting mobility, comfort, and quality of life for users.
We focus on creating a safe, inclusive, and innovative workplace, prioritizing employee development and fair labor practices. By empowering our team and partners, we contribute to sustainable economic growth and ensure positive social impact.

Governance Goals and Actions
LOGICDATA’s commitment to ethical, transparent, and sustainable business practices is guided by our Code of Conduct. This maintains a safe, inclusive workplace to drive economic growth responsibly.
We integrate sustainability by sourcing responsibly, minimizing waste, and optimizing production processes. These governance principles strengthen stakeholder trust, ensure compliance, and support sustainable success.
For more information visit the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals website. The content of this publication has not been approved by the United Nations and does not reflect the views of the United Nations or its officials or Member States.

LOGICDATA HQ: Sustainability Starts at Home
Sustainability is a team effort. We set an example to our customers, suppliers, and the local community through environmental initiatives at the LOGICDATA HQ in Austria.
We’re continually looking for new ways to improve and invest in sustainable technology.

Sustainability Goals in Mechatronics
LOGICDATA provides premium mechatronic solutions with awareness of global ecological challenges. We optimize continually to offer future-oriented solutions to our customers and partners in a changing world.
In our global production network, we contribute to sustainability through emission reduction and the optimization of products, processes, and supply chains for efficiency.